Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Goals

Don't you just love how everyone expects the new year to be "the best one yet" or to "fix the problems" that occured the year before? It's pretty funny if you think about it. It's like January 1st is this magical date that's just going to fix everything. Having the clock hit midnight is not going to fix a fight, or change something you said, but don't we wish it could? Granted, I too partake in the cliches that make New Years what it's cracked up to be, but sometimes it just makes me wonder.

2011 for instance. I've learned and accomplished a lot of things. I started high school. I wrote my first song. I learned how to play the piano. I got my first guitar. I got my dream role in Fiddler. I got the freshman chorus award. I learned how to handle people. I wrote a book. I got an iPhone (trivial to some, but that thing is my life). I turned fifteen. I got my first A+ in a math class. I took my first 5 hour test (that damn PSAT). I got into STAC. I took my first midterm, and my first final. I performed in my first high school musical. I got a perfect score on Level 6 NYSSMA. I was the only girl in my class to make All County for voice. I spent an entire morning dressed up as the queen of hearts, screaming at people during battle, and probably had the most fun I've ever had in my life. I got a new baby cousin. I made new friends, and lost some old ones. I watched my brother grow up. I watched my sister grow up. I watched myself grow up.

But all in all, I'm still Sarah. I'm still the girl who is completely obsessed with The Little Mermaid. I'm still the girl who could listen to a Taylor Swift or a Lady Gaga song on repeat for hours and still get chills. I'm still the girl that watches High School Musical whenever she gets the chance, and sings along to every song. I'm still the girl who gets sick all the time. I'm still the girl that sometimes doesn't shut up and repeats herself constantly just because she's so damn excited about something. I'm still the girl who can't get up in the mornings for her life. I'm still the girl that is obsessed with theatre and obsessed with wanting to become better and better at her music. I'm still the girl that is always cold, even if its sweltering hot outside. I'm still the girl that shudders when music on the radio has been pitch distorted. I'm still the girl that can be cured of anything with a Jennifer Aniston rom-com and some oreos. I'm still the girl who worries about everything. I'm still the girl who belts showtunes when she's home alone. Bottom line, I'm still me.

Sure, 2012 will bring a lot of new and great things. But a new year can't change or fix everything. To me, a new year just means new beginnings, more growth and expansions, and bigger and better accomplishments. A new year can't cure a broken heart, but it'll give it time to heal. A new year can't change everything, but it can change one thing in a big way - if you let it.

So this year I'm determined to have more accomplishments than the list I posted above, but to still keep all of the qualities I already have. This year I want to write a complete album, and I am determined to do it. I'm 3 songs in, and I know that with a lot of work and dedication that I'll be up to 10 by the middle of this year. I want to write another book (though I know it'll be so hard considering I don't even have time for myself). I want to work on my acting, and make it better than it already is. I want to get dancing again, and I want to improve and learn new things because I miss it so much. And this year I want to try new things, and to just have fun.

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